If you’re at risk of losing a tooth due to decay and infection, a root canal treatment is your best bet to save the tooth and reduce the chance that you’ll need to have it removed and replaced. Dr. Drgac is highly experienced in root canal procedures and his team of dental assistants provide exceptional support and care throughout the process. Our team strives to always put your comfort and safety at the forefront of their work. If you’re experiencing tooth pain, contact us immediately to seek relief!
You may need a root canal if you have a cracked tooth, a deep cavity, or issues from a previous filling. At Drgac Dental, we understand that going to the dentist can cause anxieties, and we are here to make this experience as stress-free as possible. We provide a friendly and comfortable environment where you can relax while we work to eliminate your tooth pain. Don’t put off scheduling a root canal appointment. Just call our friendly representatives; we are happy to answer any questions, comments, or concerns you may have. We offer dental services to those in Caldwell, TX, and the surrounding areas.
Proudly Serving
Caldwell, TX and surrounding areas!